Types of Keywords Every Marketer Should Know

A successful search strategy is built by targeting the right types of keywords. When you determine your best keyword opportunities, you can get the most traffic, qualified leads, & conversions for your brand. To know which sorts of keywords will work excellently in your strategy, you must first know all the alternatives. This post is your go-to resource for the kinds of keywords you should know for SEO and SEM: Targeting keywords, Keywords by length, On-site keywords,Google ads keywords Buyer keywords


Varsha Gehlot

3/16/20222 min read

Types of Keywords

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Targeting keywords are the phrases & terms connected to your industry, offerings, & audience.
The types of keywords in this category are:
  • > Market segment keywords
  • > Product keywords
  • > Branded keywords
  • > Competitor keywords
  • > Customer-defining keywords
  • > Geo-Focused keywords
These are generic keywords related to an industry or brand. A target audience uses these words to search for general information within a vertical. Terms may be broadly relsted with an industry or may be more defined for niche marketing purposes.
Example: walking shoes
These are keywords related to brand offerings that directly reference to company’s products/ services. All the Brands should have a keyword strategy for each products & services so clients & prospects can find their products/services through search.
ExampleNike Jordan
These are search phrases that contain a brand’s name or other branded terms. These keywords may include the brand name or the brand name along with a product type, product name, or another descriptive search phrase.
Example: Reebok running shoes
These are types of keywords that target brand names of contending businesses, products, /services. It’s advantageous for a brand to research competitor keywords because it can attract a similar audience of interested potential buyers.
Example: For Reebok, a competitor keyword could be Nike running shoes.
These keywords are search phrases that recognize a specific subset of customers or audience. In these searches, customers use words or phrases to represent themselves.
Examplerunning shoes for men
These are search phrases that specify a location. Searchers who use these terms are examining for results near them or in another area, they are interested in.
ExampleShoe Shops Delhi
Understanding the different types of keywords enables you to build a more informed & strategic marketing plan. We can find the best keywords to help you connect with the target audience, drive search traffic, and boost conversions when we know all the options. To Find the Suitable Types of Keywords for Your Marketing Plan, we are here. 
Market Segment Keywords
Product Keywords

Branded Keywords

Competitor  Keywords

Customer-Defining Keywords

Geo-Focused Keywords

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